We need to go back

July 15, 2020

**disclaimer: I know everyone has a right to their own opinion, this just happens to be mine**

Today is July 15th and the first day of school is set for many districts in just a few weeks, I have seen and heard it all. I have even “muted” some individuals on my feed because I am tired of hearing that students should not be sent back to school. Well today, I am giving you the chance to mute me.

Now I get it, trust me I really do. I understand that this is a huge pandemic and there are people at risk every single day. When the shutdown began, teachers were basically asked, within a twenty-four hour time period, to flip a switch and instruct online. For teachers my age, it was easy for us to do but think of the older teachers who have been doing this for thirty plus years. They were expected to turn their careers around and do what was asked of them. No questions asked. Of course schools were accommodating, they gave us computers, wi-fi, and other resources we needed to be successful and reach each and every one of our student. As adults,. we adapt and we move on. But children, that is a different story.

I saw this the other day and it hit me like a ton of bricks…

I saw this on Facebook so I am not sure who to give the credit to! If you know, let me know and I will!

As you know, I love the athletes that we get to know each and every year, but I worry about all of the children who are in broken homes and school is the only sanctuary they have. I worry about kids that are trying to be the first to graduate high school from their family and start a life for themselves. I worry about the kid that isn’t allowed to leave his house because he or she is too busy taking care of their siblings.. I worry about the kid that doesn’t get to eat because they rely on the free breakfast and lunch that their school district provides.

My worry doesn’t fall on only the students, I worry about parents who have no option but to send their child to school so they can go to work and put food on the table. They have to go to work not only to feed their children, but to provide a roof over their head, running water, and a safe place to come home. We are lucky enough to have careers that have taken care of us the past four months but have you looked around and seen how many parents are actually struggling? There is no telling how many kids have been left at home to fend for themselves because mom or dad could just not take another day off of work.

So while you are sitting at home, posting your rant on how you can’t fathom us stepping into a school building anytime soon. Think of those less fortunate. Students that haven’t had any social interaction since the middle of March. I get so mad when I see people on the internet saying we are ignorant for wanting to be back in the classroom. I am not ignorant. I am caring. I am not selfishly sitting in my home, in the comfort of my pjs, teaching class, and getting a paycheck. I am genuinely looking out for the students, athletes, and even the younger children who do not have the luxury of having a stable household where they can sit and learn virtually. .

We are teachers and we have big hearts. We always have the best interest of our students in mind and we are willing to bend over backwards to do what is right for them. I know there are no perfect answers for the state of Texas and our plan to return to school. Just remember that online learning simply doesn’t work for some of our students. Remember to give everyone involved a little grace. Hard decisions are being made and no matter what many say, we all want to love them and keep them as safe as we can.

And hey, those millions of dollars that are spent on state testing, maybe we could use that somewhere else to help get us through this, just saying.

Shelby Ashley

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  • Amanda Hargrove July 22, 2020 at 8:24 am

    Shelby this is so well said. I worry about the kids who are struggling and worry about the pain they’re going through. I know sometimes school is their only outlet and safe haven. Hope all goes well as we return to school.

    • Shelby Ashley July 28, 2020 at 8:35 am

      Agreed! Thank you so much for reading!

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