To The Seniors Graduating

May 30, 2019

Outfit Details

romper: shein I shoes: shein [identical to these] I earrings: amazon I sunglasses: quay

Today is the end of another school year. The sophomore students that I had the first year I was here are now seniors and will be graduating tomorrow evening. This is the first year that I really felt the emotions of losing a senior class and shed a few tears when they left or stopped by my classroom to tell me goodbye.

This group was very special to H and I. This was the first group that came over to our house for team dinners. They were a respectable group of young men, always used their manners, and showed their appreciation for what we and the other defensive coaches did for them. By year three, they were comfortable enough to claim their seat on the couch and grab the remote. It didn’t bother me one bit. It was comforting to know that we had made them feel comfortable and safe in our home. It made it even sweeter when they would come over and immediately take KB out of my arms so they could take him to the floor and play with him. They do not realize that they had as much of an impact on us as we did on them.

To the senior athletes graduating tomorrow evening,

You have already experienced most of your “lasts”. Regardless of your record on the court or on the field, we all know that it doesn’t reflect how hard you have worked for the past four years. The time and effort that you have put into a sport is not defined by two little numbers. Wins and losses are not what define a team or a person, but the commitment that you have shown to your athletic career is something that will pay off in the future. We have celebrated your accomplishments in the classroom and on the field for the past four years and it doesn’t end now.

Remember the relationships that you built with your teammates. You will be put into situations in your life where you will have to work with others. The way you treated your teammates will translate with how you interact with co-workers and family members. Create relationships with people that you can trust just like you did with your teammates. Encourage others to be and give their best just like you gave it all on the field. Your efforts will be rewarded and will bring you success for the rest of your life.

Remember the coaches that taught you lessons beyond the X’s and the O’s. Challenges will arise and they have equipped you with the knowledge to take down those challenges and stand on your own two feet. Every minute that you spent watching film was to teach you how to prepare for game day which will translate to your own “game day” in the future. The coaches always expected you to show up win or lose and do your best. Remember that commitment requires more than showing up on game day.

Everything that has challenged you in your life has prepared you physically, mentally, and emotionally for what you are about to experience. Remember that in life not everything goes your way. It is okay to get discouraged and take a break but remember that in the busiest of seasons you were taught to keep pushing when that frustration hits. You are now capable of making your own choices and I pray that you make the right ones.

It is bittersweet to watch you walk across that stage, but I pray everyday that you know your worth and the great things that you can do. I pray that you grow up to be a great father, husband, and role model for a kid that was just like you. I hope you take the lessons that the coaches have taught you about family and faith and include those into your everyday life. Remember all of those moments on the field that they fought for you and pushed you to be the best version of yourself.

As a teacher and coach’s wife we are so proud of all that you have accomplished. We are appreciative of all the ways that you allowed us to be in your life and we hope that you come back to update us on all of your new accomplishments. Don’t ever forget that we are a phone call away and there is always a spot for you at the dinner table.

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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