Growing Up a Coach’s Kid

April 15, 2019
“cousins” brady and jace meeting baby kb for the first time on the day he was born!
watching another coach’s kid play!
“cousin” lanie
“cousin” lynlie
all the “cousins” ringing in the new year!
kb’s older “brothers”

I didn’t grow up as a coach’s kid but now I have one of my own. It may not seem different to many but most will know that it is. His Dad will be gone a lot at work and that is okay. He will grow up to understand that hard work pays off and that Dad will always be his number one fan.

Growing up a coach’s kid gives KB the opportunity to have a built in family no matter where this road takes us. The built in friendships that are presented to him from birth is something that I hope he never forgets. The best part about it all is the friendships, “siblings”, and “cousins” that he gets to experience it all with. I am thankful for the kids and athletes that he has been surrounded by since birth. They have literally been there since day one.

A coach’s kid gets to visit his dad at work on a regular basis. He gets to spend time with him, be an active participant, and experience all the behind the scenes activities. He will get to see all the hard work and sacrifice that adds up to great success. He will learn lessons about work ethic and how he must work for positions and playing time. He may not want to play football or sports when he gets older and that is okay, but what is not okay is growing up thinking everything is just handed to him.

Not every kid gets to grow up with a team full of older “siblings” who care about them so much. A coach’s kid gets to have all those “siblings” over for team dinners and come football season, he will get to cheer them on from the sidelines and give them a high five after the game. This past year I already got to see KB experience some of this. The boys would play with him at the house during our weekly team dinners. They ask how he is doing. When they see him around town or at other sporting events, they run up and talk to him first. Who knew high school boys could be so in love with a little dude?

A coach’s kid will learn some of life’s biggest lessons like trying their hardest, playing and practicing to the best of their ability, playing as a team, and shaking hands whether they win or lose. A coach’s kid will always be under a microscope and whether they like it or not, a coach’s kid will always represent their father wherever they go.

Life is bigger than a game and all we want for a coach’s kid is to grow up ready to take on the world. I want him to grow up with the biggest and friendliest heart. I want him to experience the ups and the downs that life is going to throw at him. I want him to be able to turn those situations into something that will drive his career, goals, and to take care of a family one day. And who knows, maybe have a coach’s kid of his own.

Shelby Ashley

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