One Year

April 9, 2019

pictures taken by the amazing Kim Torres Photography

A year ago today I was sitting in class getting ready to dismiss my students for lunch when my water broke. It wasn’t anything like you see in the movies. Or maybe it was because I just didn’t know what was happening. I immediately called H, then called my doctor and they said they would make an appointment to see me later that day unless something changed.

At the time, I was teaching two sections of Wildlife along with Resource English. This meant that I had to go out to the ag shop to teach class every other day. Well, it just so happens that on that day I was in the ag shop. I calmly walked back to my classroom and locked myself in and just stood there. I remember thinking to myself, “Is this what I think it is?”

As soon as I got back to my classroom, it all changed. I immediately called my doctor back, told them what was going on, and they said to get checked into the hospital as soon as possible. H and I met at the house, grabbed our bags, said good-bye to our first born, and headed to the hospital.

I remember being really calm on the way to the hospital. I think I was more excited than anything else. I was so excited to meet him. This whole pregnancy all I could think about was what he was going to look like and that day was finally here! H was also calm. He called everyone and nonchalantly told them that we were headed to the hospital. It was like he was just calling to see how their day was. It was actually pretty comical.

Even though my water broke, I don’t think I truly went into labor until midnight that night. KB was stubborn like both of his parents and took his sweet time making his appearance. #shocker The moment that KB was born was nothing short of perfect. For the first few hours of his life, H and I just held him and took note of all his little details. I don’t know if I have ever been more relaxed than I was in that moment. It was just our little of family three.

I know it is so cliche to say, but it truly was the best day of our lives. Everything about those few days in the hospital were great. After the first night in the hospital, H was so ready to go home but I can remember thinking to myself that I would have been okay staying there for a few more weeks. I felt safe there. Leading up to his due date, there was so much to do and get ready. It was just a busy time of year for us. In the hospital, I knew that there wasn’t a to-do list that I needed to worry about and I wasn’t worried about what I needed to get ready for the next day. Nothing. Besides the lack of sleep, I enjoyed our four days that we were there.

It is true what they say, the past twelve months have flown by. I can barely remember what he was like as a newborn. I just remember many days that he slept curled up on my chest and I would just cuddle with him all day. Now, he loves to be chased around the house and get into everything that he can. He has grown and changed so much in just twelve short months.

This kid is hilarious. He can throw fits like none other. He knows how to charm you with his eyes. He can do something that he knows is wrong and then come cuddle up with you right after because he is “sorry.” He LOVES to talk and he definitely lets us know when he doesn’t like something. He is constantly laughing and his personality is starting to show. He loves to put things back in their boxes, a mothers dream! I may jinx myself but he really has been the easiest baby.

I just hope that one day he grows up to be better than both of his parents because I know that we have our faults. I hope he is caring and kind to others. I want him to be respectful. I hope he listens well and gives without expectation. I hope he opens his heart to empathy and remembers that his worth does not depend on others being made less. I want him to always remember to work hard. Life is tough but good things happen to good people.

KB-tomorrow you turn one and there is nobody quite like you. All I know is that we love you with everything that we have and no matter what, you’ll always be my little boy!

Shelby Ashley

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