2020 Goals and Resolutions

January 7, 2020

outfit details

top I beanie I necklace I sunglasses I leggings I booties

We are finally back at work and back into a routine. I have never really realized how much of routine oriented person I am until I get two weeks off to do whatever I want. I posted one blog post over the break and had every intention of posting another but our internet didn’t want it to happen.

Today I am back at it and here to share some of my goals and/or resolutions that I have set for myself. I have never really been one to set goals but this will be the third year that I have actually sat down and made a list so I figured I would share them. I started in 2018 and set 8 goals for myself, 9 in 2019, and now I figured I would set 10 in 2020.

Now don’t get me wrong, not every goal gets accomplished but I do take pride in reaching most of them! If you are a person who sets goal for yourself and year after year you feel like a failure because you doin’t meet everyone of them, remember that life happens and to give yourself a little grace. Every year I set a goal to get my savings back up to x amount and every year I never reach it. Life always throws curveballs and kids at you to mess up your plan. So set some goals and do your best to achieve them!

10 goals for 2020

  1. lose the negativity. h always reminds me that i can sometimes be the debbie downer. I don’t try to be that way, I just worry more than others and look at what could happen instead of the good.
  2. run 700 miles. two years ago i set a goal to run 500 miles in a year, 600 miles last year and exceeded both of those goals. this year i am stepping it up a notch! it may be harder because of this pregnancy but i believe that i can hit it.
  3. exercise self love. i have never had a great self-confidence and being pregnant brings it down even more. i want to be easier on my body and see the miracles it is performing instead of comparing it to others!
  4. read 12 books. i love to read and the older i have gotten, the more it has been pushed to the side. i have set this goal every year and have yet to achieve it. i am determined to meet it this year!
  5. be proud of my progress. i am so hard on myself and often do not give myself any credit for the things that i have accomplished. i want to work on looking at the great things i have done and being proud of that instead of always criticizing myself.
  6. get back to pre baby weight. i know i know, so cliche. but i can’t be a better version of myself if i am not happy with my appearance first. i am on track to gain more with number two than i did with kb so a lot of goal number 5 will need to be reminded!
  7. grow a business with the blog. this scares me as a type this and is so nerve racking to put out there. i have put so much time and effort into this little space and i can’t wait to take it to the next level!
  8. grow closer to god. i am a christian through and through and it is not something i really talk about. this year i would like to become a better person in this journey and not be afraid to take a further leap of faith.
  9. complete home projects. h and i have always talked about changing things around the house but always talk ourselves out of it because we never know how long we will be in one place. i told myself that this year that is going to change and we are going to make some projects happen!
  10. get more creative in my style. i am a t-shirt leggings kind of girl through and though with some dresses thrown in now and then. i know that this is my cup of tea but not everyone’s. by no means am I going to change to be something I am not but I would love to take what I share and turn it up a notch! after i get this baby out of course

I have given myself grace knowing that I will fall short on some of these but I want to leave this year knowing that I gave it my all. Cheers to 2020!

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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