Valentine’s Date Night Ideas

February 6, 2020

tee I earrings

I really do like Valentine’s day. I love the red and the pink everywhere, and I love picking out cheesy gifts for other people. These days, I love to make little goodie baskets for H, Kb, and Ace. I honestly tell them that I don’t want anything, because it is so fun to put these together for them. As far as H and I celebrating, we really don’t. I think in the seven years we have been together he has always had some kind of sport function and I am okay with that. We go out to eat on the weekends and I don’t need a fancy dinner for him to show me his love. I know that might be other people’s cup of tea but it isn’t really ours.

Today, I thought it would be fun to share some other date night ideas that are unique and different than just going to a fancy dinner.

  1. axe throwing– y’all, i want to do this so bad! i saw a place just opened up in the Dallas area and i am sure i won’t be any good at it, but i know it would be a lot of fun!
  2. topgolf– h and i used to go here about twice a year. he loves golf and i actually do like it, except for the fact that i am terrible at it and can’t hit the ball very far. i won’t lie though, the food and drinks are so good!
  3. escape room– although i am not very much a fan of these because i get frustrated so easily (ha). i think it would be fun to get a group together and see if you could break out! if you are brave enough, there may be one you can try with just the two of you!
  4. a movie– i know this one is kind of original, but most know that once you have kids going to the movies just doesn’t happen anymore. so get a sitter, put on our cozies, grab your snacks, and see if you can stay awake for the entire movie!
  5. a tour of your favorite places– think of this like a personalized scavenger hunt. you pick a couple of places, your significant other picks a couple of places, and you surprise each other with the locations. you can relive important moments, recreate a favorite activity, or just chill out knowing you’re making new memories.
  6. book store/coffee date/candy/store/happy hour– you are probably thinking what?? i love bookstores and i never go to them anymore. i really should because kb loves his books, but how fun would it be to stroll the aisles, get a new book then hit up the coffee shop and just have a date? if you are not a coffee drinker you could totally hit up the candy shop or happy hour!
  7. sporting event– buy tickets to a sport you like or even try something new! we go to many football and baseball games but i haven’t been to a basketball game in years. go spurs go!
  8. spa day– spoil yourselves with a spa day or a couples massage. h and i got these when we went to lake tahoe and we could totally use another one soon! although I am pretty sure he was just there for the snacks and the steam room.
  9. museum/tour your city– i bet you haven’t been to half of the cool places that you are so close to! I know there a few museums that we are wanting to visit in dallas and now would be a great time!
  10. staycation– this one is more common but i believe it is one that is often overlooked! it doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but there is something about being somewhere else knowing that you don’t have anywhere to be or a to-do list to tend to. even if it is just for a night!

I hope that you find some of these ideas helpful and try something new next Friday. Remember, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but it is always nice to treat yourself and your significant other every once in a while!

Shelby Ashley

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  • Kristie Wilson February 6, 2020 at 11:15 am

    Great ideas!

    We have quite a few axe throwing places here but I’m not sure my husband is that brave enough to do it with me. Ha!!

    Escape rooms scare me! I think my husband would be good at it. I’d be more like you in one!

    • Shelby Ashley February 6, 2020 at 1:30 pm

      Hahaha. That is probably the exact reason my husband hasn’t taken me yet! Thanks for reading!

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