Three Years.

July 23, 2019

**sappy post ahead**

This dude sent me song lyrics in a different language everyday at the beginning of our relationship. He secretly loves my addiction to ice cream because that means he gets some too. Not many people can make me smile the way that he does and I wouldn’t trade him for the world. Three years ago I woke up knowing that I never had to be alone again and that I would forever have a best friend.

I think everyone can agree that marriage is like a second job, it doesn’t come easy and takes a lot of work. H and I can both say that we have had our ups and downs but no matter what, we are always by each other’s side. Every single day we are working on strengthening our relationship and becoming better parents, husband, and wife. We’ve learned to meet each other in the middle and give and take a little bit more each time. We have made the best memories and have the two most perfect little boys. I am so grateful that he is my person and that I get to do life with him each and every day.

I love reminiscing on our wedding day because it was a fairytale and it described us both perfectly. Girly and glitzy for me and simple for H. Simple in the fat that he only requested to wear a red tie and have a funfetti cake. But the most important thing was that we had all of our family in friends surrounding us in one place all at the same time. Love conquers all and we are so grateful for the life that we have been blessed with.

Happy third anniversary to my guy! I love you so much!

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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