The Influencer

May 21, 2019

Outfit Details

top: amazon I shorts: forever 21 I earrings: kendra scott I sandals: tory burch [similar] I sunglasses: nordstrom

I used to be the quiet scroller I guess you could say on Instagram. I never commented and I hardly ever liked anything. I would screenshot stuff that I liked and came back to it later for inspiration. Now with this platform, I have to engage with others and it has become something that I really enjoy doing. I have connected with a few other ladies in other states and I have found new people to follow and support.

Yesterday, I unfollowed someone for the first time. It wasn’t because they said something mean to me. It was because of something that they said on their own post. She was on a rant about how she is having to compete with others because “everyone and their mom are bloggers now…” That little sentence hit me so hard. It didn’t hurt my feelings but it made me think about what I have been doing for almost three months now.

Now, I am not writing this to make this person look bad. I want to write about this so that I can get my message across. She had a right to her feelings and it is her space to say what she feels. I just couldn’t believe that someone was going to disregard others that uses the same platform that she makes a living off of. I look up to successful influencers because they give me inspiration to keep doing what I am doing. I support all people. They can have 500 followers or they can have 500,000. As long as they have something that catches my eye or inspires me, you can bet that I press that follow button.

I fully understand that I am not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. I may not post something you like or I may post something that you don’t agree with. But one thing is for certain, you won’t catch me bringing others down. My content may just look like a picture that you scroll through or a bunch of words on a website but I can assure you that a lot of time and effort has gone into what I post and share on here. I take in pride in the fact that I can connect with a wide variety of readers and I try to keep everyone in mind. I use my free time to please others and give them what they want to see.

I made this space because I wanted a hobby. I wanted a purpose. I wanted something to work for other than my career. I want to share items, talk about the reality of life, and connect with other women, especially coaches wives. I may be ten years behind some of the original influencers but it doesn’t mean that I can’t catch up. I have already surpassed almost all of the goals that I have set for myself this year. I am hoping to expand this space and really take it to the next level with the coaching community. Just because I like fashion doesn’t mean I can’t like and understand sports.

My message is this, no matter what kind of person you are, no matter what journey you are on, if you are happy that is all that matters. I tell people that you will find a little bit of everything. Sometimes my life and this space looks put together and sometimes I have an uneven tan and unironed clothes. It is LIFE and it is real. I want to make sure that every time I share something or write a post, that I am writing into someone’s heart. I want them to see it or read it and really connect with me. I have the power to connect with someone who may feel discouraged and alone. I have the power to change someone’s outlook, motivate someone to go after their dream, or wear something that they have been too scared to put on.

So next time you go to judge someone or you get annoyed with who they are just remember that everyone’s journey is different and that should be something that we celebrate.

Shelby Ashley

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  • Lori Scott May 21, 2019 at 10:00 am

    Great blog today… keep up the good work but don’t kill yourself doing it all!!!! Love ya, Mom❤️

  • Tamsen Luedtke May 24, 2019 at 11:02 am

    You are amazing girl!

  • meet the fashionista

    coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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