Summer Truths

May 23, 2019

Outfit Details

hat: old [similar] I sunglasses: quay I earrings: old [similar] I dress: amazon I sandals: tory burch

We have a week of school left and then we are out for the summer. Usually most families are planning their summer vacations and all of their fun summer activities. Not in this household. We don’t get summers off. Between events, camps, trainings, conventions, and the possibility of teaching summer school, “school’s out for the summer” doesn’t really apply to us.

For most coaches, there are still summer obligations. For H, this means that he works their summer strength and conditioning program Monday-Thursday all summer with the exception of getting two weeks off thrown in there. Not to mention that we have my brother’s graduation, graduation party, a wedding, and coaching school already on the books. It doesn’t leave much time for us to plan a vacation. We usually take one of the free weeks and book a vacation for us to go on since we don’t get away any other time of the year. It is important that we do this every summer because traveling and visiting new places is something that we really enjoy doing. If we want to do anything else, it has to fit into the Friday-Sunday window.

Summer may be the second most stressful season of the year. They are in “get-after-it-mode.” They are counting down the days until their official first practice. H is constantly watching film, drawing up plays, and finalizing his depth charts. The new season began as soon as the last season ended. They are deep into 7on7 playing in tournaments on the weekends to qualify for state and league play during the week. They are hosting mini camps for the younger kids so they can continue to build a program. Getting these kids involved at an early age helps them know what to expect as they get older. Every day matters, especially in the eyes of a coach.

And let’s be honest, it is still job season. There is still the unknown lingering over our heads because nothing is really set until the first day of two-a-days. There is a possibility that we could be forced to pack up and move because of the turnover somewhere else. Education will always be around which means that there will always be jobs available because you never know who will retire or what great job will come open unexpectedly. Coaches aren’t afraid to jump at a great opportunity and program, the time of year doesn’t matter to them.

So what do we do? We make the best of it. We realize that this is our last chance before the busiest season of the year. We take time for ourselves and now with KB, we have started a list of things we want to do with him this summer. There are so many fun things to do in the DFW area and I want to take full advantage of that. Our afternoons and evenings are less hectic so that gives us more time to do things as a family. We will make more trips home back to visit, but there will also just be a lot of relaxation. KB will most likely still go to daycare a few weeks throughout the summer to keep him in a routine but also for H and I to be able to go and do things with just the two of us.

Our summers are not what they used to be, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything! I am thankful for the extra time that I get to spend with my husband and the memories that we will make with KB. Pretty soon our summers will be even more limited so I cherish the time that we are given now. So be careful next time you tell a coach’s wife, “at least you have the summer off.”

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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