Self-Care Tips

December 5, 2019

outfit details

top: amazon I hat: amazon I leggings: Nordstrom I boots: Steve Madden I sunglasses: amazon

I have never been one to stroll down the beauty aisle and look at all the products on the shelf. I don’t even think I wore make-up until high school and when I did, I am pretty sure I used the wrong products in the wrong spots. I definitely didn’t care what I ate until well into college and didn’t exercise until then either. Fast forward a couple of years and I am married and will have two kids in about three months. Holy moly. Talk about the right time to start taking care of yourself.

I am not the kind of person that needs to get away or needs a girl’s night out to recharge and feel like herself. Honestly, that just makes me more tired because I can’t be in bed by eight pm. #truth So today I wanted to share with you five easy and inexpensive ways to take care of yourself.


I know, I know. You are rolling your eyes at me right now but I am serious. I have an alarm set every morning for 3:47 am to get out of bed and get my body moving. Lately it has been a little slower but nonetheless, I get up and do something. If you are not a morning person then find time in your day to squeeze something in for 20-30 minutes. Sometimes I just walk on the treadmill and watch my favorites shows. It still gets me moving and keeps me feeling good about myself.

Carve out Quiet Time

In that same early morning routine, I also have about thirty minutes carved out to sit and have some peace and quiet. We all know that once that one-year old gets up, there is no personal space. I take this time to finish any posts for the day, watch a few minutes of my morning shows, or just cuddle with the pup. When we were on Thanksgiving break, I even set an alarm every morning to get up and have this time to myself before everyone else woke up. It is honestly something that sets the tone for my day. If I wake up late and don’t get this in, my entire morning is rushed and thrown off.

Find a good Skin Care Routine

This is something that I am still working on but has recently got me excited to put a little effort into. My skin care routine used to be just to wash all of my make-up off in the shower and get in bed. I have recently purchased a few products that I hope to share with you and I am still looking for a few others that I can use to target specific areas. The products do not have to be expensive and it definitely does not need to be a bunch of different items. No matter what, it is something you can do to treat yourself and help yourself!

Declutter or Organize

If you weren’t laughing at me before, you probably really are now. But I am serious. Take some time to declutter your life and get rid of things you don’t need. There is nothing that stresses me out more than to have stuff everywhere. At this exact moment, I can count about five purses that need to be cleaned out and put away. The decluttering or organizing process doesn’t have to be intense, it can be something as simple as cleaning out your bathroom drawer or going through the stack of mail sitting on the counter. Just know that doing one simple task like this a day, helps me feel a little bit better!

Take A day and do nothing

For some this may seem impossible or out of the question but you don’t realize how tired you are until you actually take a day and do nothing. H and I usually try to carve out one weekend a month to schedule absolutely nothing and do just this. We stay at home and play with KB, Ace, cook a nice meal in, and spend time as a family. It doesn’t make us lazy. It makes us better people and parents.

I understand that each and every person is different and they have different needs and wants. But if you are feeling stuck in a rut, try a few of these techniques and see if it makes a positive difference!

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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