My Little Valentine

February 14, 2019
KB and Me
silver shoes

Outfit Details

top: amazon I bra: free people I pants: old [similar here and here] I shoes: sold out [love these and these] I earrings: baublebar I sunglasses: quay I KB’s outfit: amazon I KB’s shoes: freshly picked

I am an avid blog reader and follower of bloggers on social media. Six months after my KB came into the world, I read a post on Facebook about another blogger who unexpectedly lost her eighteen month old son. My heart dropped as soon as I read the news and I had tears rolling down my face. A few weeks later she wrote a post explaining what happened and how her life would never be the same. (if you would like to read her post you can here) What she doesn’t know is that my life was also changed forever.

You may be thinking, you didn’t even know this person. You’re right, I don’t. But what I do know is the love that I have for my child and the thought of anything happening to him is sickening. It made me think about what kind of person I am and what I consider important to me. I used to be an incredibly selfish person but after reading her story I have quickly changed. What used to be important, isn’t as important anymore. My heart still hurts for her and every night I hug my boy a little bit longer before I lay him down.

  1. all of the little things don’t matter that much anymore. if the dishes don’t get done or if i have to wait one more day to put the laundry up, it’s okay. it will be there tomorrow.
  2. the to-do list can wait. there will be days where he just wants to be held and loved on and it is perfectly okay to take the day and do just that. he won’t be little forever.
  3. everything that I do, i do because of him. it’s not about me anymore or what i want. i workout to be healthy for him. i eat better to make sure that he grows up knowing that nutrition is important. our weekends are much different because i want to spend time and make memories with him.
  4. sleep is not a priority. not just because that comes with being a new mom but because if he needs me in the middle of the night, i will be there to comfort him. it’s amazing how your body quickly adjusts to a new sleep routine. believe me, you can do anything on a couple hours of sleep.
  5. i don’t care what people think of me anymore. i used to make myself crazy worrying about other people’s opinions. most importantly, i don’t care about what people think of me as a mother and the choices that i make for him. i know that i am always going to do what is best for my child. at the end of the day, if your child knows that they are loved and cared for, that is really all that matters.
Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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