
April 25, 2019

Outfit Details

dress: amazon I earrings: amazon I wedges: target [similar here and here]

Motherhood. The time in your life when everyone thinks they know everything about your child and what is best for them. Strong start? Maybe. But it is the truth. I have quickly come to realize that there are people who think they know what is best for your child. I am not saying that every person’s suggestion is wrong but what I am saying is that sometimes I just don’t want to hear it. I have come to terms with the mom that I am and I am embracing that.

I wrote a post about this a few weeks ago but motherhood is a life lesson. It is funny how something so important can either shape you into a positive person or for others, can bring them down. A lot of women are hard on themselves. They compare themselves to other moms and think that they have it all. Let me tell you one of my favorite quotes that I have recently learned to carry with me everywhere, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I have thought this too many times to count in the past year of motherhood. I don’t think I am a bad mom but sometimes I feel like I don’t give my family what they deserve. I definitely haven’t done very well with balancing the wife and mom role. I will be the first to admit that.

It is very hard to explain but I was never scared of motherhood. I grew up very well taken care of and I knew that I would be able to put that into my own child. There are days when I do get frustrated and those days are the ones that have taught me the biggest lessons. I have learned that when KB is super fussy or just throwing a fit for no reason, I repeat in my mind and sometimes out loud “I love you. I love you. I love you.” It honestly keeps me calm and it helps me remember that there are other women out there who would give anything for moments like this. I realize how fortunate we are to have this little guy with us.

Throughout this journey each mom will look a little different. I am the mom who likes to plan everything ahead of time and sometimes that punishes my kid from living spontaneously. I am the mom who should probably read to her child more but honestly, the kid won’t sit still for more than five seconds for me to read. I am the mom who likes to cuddle on the couch with my kid and watch TV instead of abiding by the “no TV rule.” I am the mom who tries to put my phone away when he is awake not because I am perfect but because I know that time is precious. I am the mom that buys frozen pancakes so he can have an easy breakfast during the week but I am also the mom who tries to give him whole foods 80% of the time.

Sometimes I feel uncomfortable typing these types of posts just because I only have one child and I am not that experienced. A lot has changed in the past year and he has changed me for the better. Some stuff doesn’t matter anymore and some stuff matters more than it used to. Be the mom that you want to be. I am not saying live in filth and starve your kids. What I am saying is, it’s okay if they eat a frozen pizza for dinner one night or the mess doesn’t get picked up right away. Don’t feel guilty if you just need a day to go and walk the mall. Sometimes my kid eats puffs for dinner because that is all I can get him to eat. And guess what, I call it a win! He doesn’t go to bed hungry and I get to try again tomorrow!

Happy moms embrace the moms they are. We pressure ourselves to be this idealized version of what a mom should be. We pressure ourselves to cook every night, have spotless houses, have the perfect behavior system and everything else that checks off all the boxes. At the end of the day, no matter how hard you try, we will never live up to that idealized version of a mom. And more importantly, you will never be happy. You win some and you lose some, but what is most important is that you are being the best version of you and that is what matters in the end. When you embrace the mom that you are, you are doing the best for yourself and your children! So live it up, mom!

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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