Job Season

February 6, 2019

shirt: local boutique [similar here and here] I bra: nordstrom I jeans: sold out [love these and these] I shoes: converse I sunglasses: quay I cap: adidas

Have you ever heard of _____? That is the question I get asked three-thousand times by my husband every spring. Throughout six seasons of football we have had the highest of highs and the lowest of lows but with every season ending one thing always stays the same—uncertainty.

After every season, jobs come flying open and with those jobs come great opportunities. So questions start to swirl, will our current athletic director get another job? Will we have the opportunity to go with him again or will we also have to find somewhere to go? Is this H’s chance to finally become a head coach? The biggest thing I have learned in this business is that his job is never secure and it is very unlikely that we will have a forever home. At least for now.

People always ask us why we talk about moving if we are happy where we are. No matter if we are having the best season, we live in the perfect home, or the town is remarkable, most high school coaches always want more. They want to be the winningest coach in history. They want to have the job that is known all across the state and until you are a coach or apart of the coach’s family, some will never understand.

So far we have moved three times and I know that we have many more in the future. So the question “have you heard of this place, or do you know where this town is?” is very common. Especially for H. He is at a place in his life where is really wanting to become an athletic director/head football coach and take over a program. I know that our plans are not in our hands and I often remind H of that too. We don’t get to choose where we go next, but He does.

So the spring is often full of emotions, and that’s where we are now. Every week a new job is talked about. Some I know will be forgotten but some are worthy of a serious conversation. A few of the jobs that are mentioned, I am not real thrilled about, but after six years I have learned not to stress until something really starts happening. But that’s the thing, when it starts happening, it happens fast. Decisions must be made quickly, the anxiety starts to set in but so does some of the excitement. There is always excitement that comes with the possibility of a new place. New people, new area, new house, new success.

As a coach’s wife, it is my job to be the voice of reason and the one who puts these opportunities into perspective. Sometimes that means being the bad guy and saying no. I love my husband, but sometimes the excitement takes over and he doesn’t think about the whole package. I have to identify the “deal breakers” and eliminate the opportunities that I think can potentially have a negative effect on our family. At the end of it all, I want to make sure that we are making the best decision for our family, our happiness, and our careers.

So while everyone is enjoying the weather starting to warm up, watching the flowers bloom, and planning their summer vacations, we are in prime time “what’s next mode?” I am excited about the possibilities that are before us this year. I have learned that when the negative feelings of worry, stress, and anxiety start to creep in that I must remind myself that none of that makes a difference. Like I mentioned before, He is in control and He will guide us to what is the next best thing for our family. I can only control my actions, not the outcome. So bring it on job season, we are ready for you.

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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