Grateful this Season

December 20, 2019

Oftentimes we go through life complaining about the things we have to do or the things that we wish we had. Not many times do we just stop and be thankful for things that we have in our life. As the years go on, I get better each and every day about handling tough situations and seeing the good in everything. As 2019 comes to a close, I am grateful for all of the opportunities and blessings that we have been granted. We often go through this time of year and spend time checking things off of our shopping lists and forget to be thankful for those that we are surrounded by.

After football season is over, we spend a lot of time on the road and sometimes that can be exhausting. Especially when we are gone for a week at a time. Has anyone ever tried entertaining an almost-two-year-old in the car for five hours? We know that this isn’t the way that we will spend our holidays for the rest of our lives, but we know that this is the only way that we can see everyone on both sides of the family. We are grateful that we have the ability to do this and see KB build those relationships with so many people.

This year has been a year of growth for both of us. I took a leap of faith that I have been dreaming about for years. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to have a side hobby along with a full time job. I am grateful for a husband who has supported me through it all, even though I know deep down inside he would rather be golfing. We are also grateful for his job that we get to support and be apart of. Unless you are in the business, no one quite understands what all goes along with being a coaching family.

Kb has brought so much joy into our lives and it has been so fun watching the Christmas season through his eyes. He has changed so much since the summer and it definitely has been a challenge for us to learn and grow with him. In a few short months we will be adding another little one to the family and that we are grateful for. We would be lying if we said we aren’t a little scared of the transition from one to two, but we do know that we can’t wait for KB to have a little brother!

Life is a never ending roller coaster that always keeps us on our toes. We never know what the next year will bring, what jobs we will have, or where we will be living, but one thing is for certain, we are grateful for the year that we have had and all the opportunities we have been blessed with. I hope that each and everyone of you have a great holiday with your friends and family. Be sure to spend time with the ones that you love the most and remember the reason for the season!

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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