For The Love Of The Game

June 11, 2019

Outfit Details

romper: amazon I earrings: amazon I shoes: target I sunglasses: quay

Recently, I saw a post from another coach’s wife explaining how we love the game just as much as everyone else. I think some people get it twisted when they see a coach’s wife in the stands. They think that we are just there to support, then we go home and continue to wash the clothes, do the dishes, and take care of the kids. What people don’t understand is that we go through the same emotions that coaches, players, and parents go through during the games.

We see the emotions of every single aspect of the sport firsthand at home. We know how those emotions are transferred to a game and we feel those same emotions in the stands. We have a love for the game just like you do. We want the best for your son. We cheer them on. We get nervous and emotional at the start of the season. We never want to see anyone hurt, and we for sure never want to be the losing team. We see the highs and lows that they go through, but we also see the push that our husbands give them to play their hardest.

Many people don’t understand how much pride our husbands take in their careers. It isn’t just blowing whistles, stomping around, and hollering at kids. We understand that it is more than a game, but a true passion that keeps them going. Outside of the game, we are there to listen to them when their minds are elsewhere. Beyond the X’s and O’s, there is the pressure of the season weighing on their shoulders. We see the countless late nights, long seasons, and lack of sleep. We see the kids that talk to them and confide in them when they need help or they are struggling.

We give them the support that they need at home, even if we haven’t seen them in a few days because they are gone before sunrise and home at midnight. We value their leadership and we learn to roll with the punches and be flexible. We are there, win or lose, and through all the ups and downs. We are there to sit there next to him while he watches film and listen to their plans for the next game.

But most importantly, we are there when they look up into the stands after every game, searching for a face. Win or lose, we are there biggest fans. We are their person who is always there, smiling, telling him how good he looks from behind. No matter what you think or what you believe. We have a love for the game too.

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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