A Look Back at 2019

January 9, 2020

One last hoorah before we move into the new year. 2019 was full of a lot of good for us. I feel like we got the rhythm of the whole parenthood thing down, H and I agreed that is was definitely the best year of our relationship, went on plenty of road trips, and received news of the best adventure of all!

Remember that even thought things may seem peachy not everything is easy. I have worked hard to become a better person, wife, and mother. I have had to change a lot and have also come to the realization that I still have a long way to go. I am thankful for the people who take me as I am and I am grateful for this journey to teach me lessons along the way.

In 2019, I found a lot of peace in where I am at in my life. I used to always look for something else or something better but I am practicing my faith knowing that I am right where I am supposed to be in this moment. I have realized that God will never give us anything we cannot handle. It may not be what we have asked for in that moment, but is definitely apart of his greater plan!


Started a new year with this guy and celebrating his birthday.


Tulip farm with these cuties and enjoying the transition into spring!


Launched this little space. Can’t believe it will already be one year in a few months!


Celebrated this guy’s first birthday! I still can’t get over how fast they grow and change.


Mother’s Day spent with my boys at the Byron Nelson.


Summer vacations, weddings, and Father’s Day!


Celebrated our third wedding anniversary at coaching school in Houston.


Kicked off our seventh football season together.


Completed my third half marathon.


Announced baby #2 is due in March of 2020!


Football season ended so more time with this guy and traveling to see family!


Ended the year counting our blessings and ready for what 2020 has in store!

Shelby Ashley

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meet the fashionista

coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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