Thanks Covid

September 25, 2020

No really. Thank you.

For the past six months we have all been on this “coronacoaster” that has pretty much sent us over the edge a few times. We have been looking at our lives and feeling frustrated with all of the things that we haven’t been able to do or how abnormal our life has been. But thanks to COVID-19 there has been some good that has come out of it y’all and that is….. NO ONE CAN SIT CLOSE TO YOU IN THE STANDS.

Ha, I know all of my coach’s wives are feeling me on this one. But seriously, At our home games we have reserved seats so we have no choice who sits around us. It can be other coach’s wives or players parents. You never know what you are going to get and what they are going to yell. At away games we get to obviously choose where we sit and usually us coach’s wives stick together and spread our junk out five rows deep so no one can come near. This year due to social distancing of course, no one can sit in the rows below, above, or next to you.

People often give us a hard time because we are so particular about where and how we sit. Spend a day in the life of a coach’s wife who has to listen to the guy behind her scream everything your husband is doing wrong and you will take the time to appreciate the social distancing guidelines for once. As the years go on, our skin gets a little thicker, but there is still nothing that hits you in the gut like hearing someone yell at your husband who puts his heart and soul into something he loves. And on top of it, he is doing it for YOUR son.

I know the “coach’s” in the stands will always have their opinions and I get that. They want success for their child and just like any parent, they think their way is the best way. They get loud when they think “we always run the same play” or when we miss a tackle. Yes sir, my husband coachs his players every week to miss tackles on purpose. (sarcasm) It’s comical some of the things that are said and that is why we have to laugh off their comments and this situation we are in.

So when you are feeling down about what COVID has done, just remember the biggest blessing it has given all of us wives, the distance from our favorite kinds of people and that there is always a silver lining.

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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