Happy (Almost) Birthday, H!

January 16, 2020

Ohhhh he is going to hate me for this. He hates birthdays and he hates that I make such a big deal out of them, but I just can’t help myself. I always want to make sure that he knows how much he is loved and appreciated. I always preface these types of posts and say that I never want to come off making it seem that we are the perfect couple. But today, no matter what he thinks, he deserves the spotlight and to be bragged on a little bit!

He is a great dad

This dude was never once scared to become a dad. He told me over and over that if there was one thing he wanted to be really good at and known for, it would be that he was a good Dad. When KB was a newborn he was up with me in the middle of the night, making bottles, and helping out wherever he could. Numerous times he came home from a long day at work and always stepped in to pick up where things needed to be taken care of. He has learned how to be patient and discipline an unpredictable one year old. Best of all, he is definitely the fun parent.

He loves his job

Coaching and teaching is not an easy task. Most people don’t see the late nights, weekend, and holiday work that gets done to ensure that the day to day tasks run smoothly. He never once complains about the early mornings and the demands that it takes to be a role model for high school athletes. He handles himself with pride and pushes others to be their best. He always says that he will take his last breath on the football field and I truly believe it! It has been so fun watching someone do what they love!

He loves his wife (sometimes)

Just kidding. But really. We have had our fair share of ups and downs. Our relationship hasn’t always been easy and many said we would never make it. I know I am not an easy person to be around sometimes, much less everyday. He takes me for who I am and loves me even harder through all of my faults. We have grown closer this past year than ever before and I am proud of where we are today.

I am thankful that I get to call him my husband and that I get to do life everyday with him. They say the more you know someone, the more you grow to love them. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t learn from him. He loves everyone around him unconditionally and puts everything he has into what he does. He is a great example of dedication, hard work, and strength. We love you so much and hope that you have the best day!

Happy (almost) Birthday, H!

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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