Halfway there!

November 7, 2019

Outfit Details

sweater: amazon I skirt: amazon I sunglasses: quay I mules: target

I know everyone says it, but it has truly gone by so quickly. Well, after the first trimester that is. I talked about how the beginning of my pregnancy was going here and now I am well into my second trimester and feeling much better. Today, I figured I would talk about my experience a little bit more and include a few things about this pregnancy so far.

  1. pregnancy fatigue is a real thing. I struggle so much while I am pregnant to be motivated and not just want to lay in bed 24/7. The last few weeks have been better. I actually feel like I am getting my energy back and wanting to do more on the weekends. I have gotten back into a workout routine, I get more taken care of at home, and I just overall feel a lot better.
  2. i have had to change my eating habits. Before I got pregnant I have always considered myself a pretty healthy eater. When I got pregnant and the nausea set in, I wanted nothing to do with anything healthy. I remember there was a week where I think I ate fast food everyday because that was the only thing that sounded good. Granted, I felt miserable afterwards, but once you get that craving in your mind there is no turning back. I am thankful that I have been able to eat better lately because I truly do believe that is what has helped me get some of my energy back. I am back to fueling my body properly and that helps me take better care of myself.
  3. nausea doesn’t mess around. I was sick for most of my first trimester with KB but this time around I have experienced it well into my second trimester. I think I am finally on the downhill slope from the nausea but now it has turned into awful acid reflux. Once again, I had acid reflux with KB too but it wasn’t until later on in my pregnancy.
  4. its true what they say, every pregnancy is different. This one has been so different from KB. While I have some of the same symptoms as the first, these are worse and lasting longer. I seriously feel like I have been sick every day since the moment we found out.
  5. how we found out. I am a very scheduled person and when it comes to signs and signals, I was late. We were in town one day running errands and I told H not to freak but I was going to buy a test at the store. Of course, Mr. Impatient made me take it right then in the grocery store bathroom. Glamorous life, let me tell ya.

We are so grateful to get the opportunity to become parents again. KB of course has no idea what is going on. All he cares about is football and his pup, Ace. I honestly can not believe that I am going to be in a house full of boys. H looked at me the other day and said, “Are you ready for a house full of boys watching football with their hands in their pants?”

There ya have it folks, a glimpse into my future.

Shelby Ashley

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coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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