Boy Mom

May 14, 2019

Outfit Details

sunglasses: quay I jumpsuit: amazon I shoes: tory burch [similar] I earrings: amazon I kb track suit: adidas [similar] I kb tennis shoes: adidas [similar]

For most of my life , I was surrounded by girls. The number of girl cousins out weighed the number of boy cousins 5-2. We went shopping on the weekends, got dressed up, and when we weren’t working with our show animals or going to rodeos, we often did girl things.

We went in for our sonogram in October, before they did anything they asked if we wanted to know the gender of our baby. I, of course, wanted to do some type of gender reveal but my impatient husband said he wasn’t leaving that office until he knew. People always asked us “What do you want?” and my response was that I didn’t care, I just wanted them to be healthy. Having a girl would be fun because I could dress her up and have a built in shopping partner for the rest of my life. If we had a boy, I was secretly going to enjoy the fact that I would be the only girl who would be spoiled. The sonogram technician didn’t say “it’s a boy!” Her exact words were “There it is, do you see it?” H’s response was “See what?” I quickly informed him that she meant it was a boy. In that moment I was truly happy but in the back of my mind I was thinking, what in the world am I going to do with a boy?

The past thirteen months I have learned that they are SO wild. He plays rough. He beats his toys on everything and he loves loud noises. He loves anything that moves. He also loves so gently. He is such a cuddler. He loves to give open mouth kisses. He loves the fact that it is totally acceptable for him to walk around the house in only a diaper. I know right now that this is the easy stage. He isn’t talking or doing things I tell him not to, and that is what scares me, I am terrified of the future.

I have gotten very comfortable with dirt, roughhousing, and noise. I’ve never heard a dinosaur roar that sounds so cute. I know in the future I will have to get used to sweat and how to frequently remind him to use soap and put on some deodorant. I will commit myself to showing him how to do laundry, the dishes, and help around the house. I will worry about him growing up in a world that will try to shape him into something other than who he is.

His Dad will for sure have the talk with him, but how do I teach him everything else? It is my responsibility to teach him how to be kind and feel safe showing his emotions and feelings. You have heard me say that I wasn’t nervous about becoming a mom, but I am definitely nervous about raising a boy. I want him to be smart and know that it is okay not to be the cool kid. I want him to grow up to be a man full of chivalry, and be someone who knows how to treat a girl. I want his future wife to tell me that he is such a gentleman and that we did a good job. I want him to be proud of who he is and set a good example for others.

Becoming a boy mom has taught me to be more comfortable with risk and less afraid of the unknown. I will start saying things like “be smart” because I really do want him to see the world. I know that raising a boy will also have its challenges. He won’t want to talk about his feelings and he will feel pressure to be athletically talented. Speaking of, I will be a nervous wreck at sporting events. I will cringe every time he gets tackled but I will learn how to not run onto the field after he gets hit with a pitch at a Little League game.

Through him a whole new world has been opened up for me. I know that I will always be his first love, and I know that he will always protect me. Being a boy mom is such a privilege. He truly is my greatest achievement. He reminds me not to take life so seriously and to do all of the silly things with him. My heart has become a little bit tougher, but also a little bit softer and a whole lot bigger.

Shelby Ashley

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  • Nicole May 14, 2019 at 8:44 pm

    keep at it girl. Y’all ate so cute and fun. You will be amazing no doubt !

  • meet the fashionista

    coach's wife. boy mom. fashion addict. football enthusiast. sweets craver. lover of color and all things bright. Read More


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